It works! This particular Ester-C is absorbed readily and is very effective. I can increase the dosage without upsetting my stomach, which is vital for my immune system after breast cancer. I always keep it on hand in my home and “double up” when necessary to fend off colds.
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High dosage efficacy
I am taking 8 grams per day as part of my programme for treating breast cancer. This was suggested by my doctor.
It works! This particular Ester-C is absorbed readily and is very effective. I can increase the dosage without upsetting my stomach, which is vital for my immune system after breast cancer. I always keep it on hand in my home and “double up” when necessary to fend off colds.
High dosage efficacy
I am taking 8 grams per day as part of my programme for treating breast cancer. This was suggested by my doctor.